Before You Dive In
So, thank you for checking out this blog. Here are some thoughts about what you’ll find in here and a disclaimer of sorts:
First, I have changed my mind on many things and my stand on issues today may not be in line with what I have written about quite some time ago.
Next, my writing style has changed over the years and I (mostly) hate reading my older posts. I can see the bad writing. But I have come to accept that - this, is how, it will always be. A good thing about being able to recognise my bad writing is simply that my ability has not caught up with my taste1. I know what good writing looks like, and I also know I’m not there. So well, that is why I am writing here, with the hope that the process of iteration will work its magic helping me better structure my thoughts, ideas and opinions. Ideally, I would love to get to a point Joan Didion talks about when she says “I don’t know what I think until I write it down”. Also, this note is not really for you dear reader, it is for me and that brings me to the next point.
This note and much of the writing here is intended for me. It is meant for present-me so that I can structure my thoughts better and bring them to the point of clear principles or insights or just information. It is also meant for future-me so that I can read up about why I reached a certain conclusion if I thought about it earlier and also as an easy bookmark to share my thoughts.
The thing about writing is that it reveals a lot about the writer: how they think, what they feel is important or what they feel is right. Perhaps, you find it interesting, or useful. Or you can see why and where I am wrong. In any case, do write and let me know if you feel like doing so. I’d be happy to hear from you.
A template I picked up from Amit Varma while listening to hours and hours of his show, The Seen and the Unseen. ↩